TC issue

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Active Member
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Nr Oxford

I've put my first TC on to brew on Wednesday evening, it's fizzing away nicely but there's no yeasty frothy build up yet. Is this still ok?

Here's what I've put in:

3 litres t*sco AJ
1 Mug strong tea
good slug honey
a bosh of brown sugar
packet of bread yeast

I stuck the honey and brown sugar in to bump up the OG a bit (I plan to drink this on a camping weekend in a few weeks so wanted a good fallover jiuce!). The OG turned out around 1050.

I've been expecting a froth to build up, then die down, so I can add mroe AJ. Should I hold off a bit longer. It looks like the weather will warm up over the weekend, which might help get things moving...
The huge froth formation doesn't always happen ;)
The type of apple juice and yeast used has a big influence :thumb:
If it's fizzing it's fermenting, top it up when you're ready :)
sweet. thanks!

Went and bought some cider/champagne yeast at lunch so can get some going with different yeasties!
Let us know how your bread yeast TC turns out - I know I won't be using bread yeast again :sick: