Come on guys and gals, there are plenty of foodies on the forum, point me in the right direction.
One of my favourite meals is a chunk of smoked salmon, a few mushrooms, maybe a bit of white wine & cream, a sprinkle of herbs, wrapped in buttered filo pastry, whack it in the oven for half an hour and serve with some baby spuds and a few veggies plus tartare out of a jar or home made.
Chunks of smoked salmon from the supermarkets are getting into silly money, but I can often pick up a side of salmon quite cheaply.
How do I smoke my own?
One of my favourite meals is a chunk of smoked salmon, a few mushrooms, maybe a bit of white wine & cream, a sprinkle of herbs, wrapped in buttered filo pastry, whack it in the oven for half an hour and serve with some baby spuds and a few veggies plus tartare out of a jar or home made.
Chunks of smoked salmon from the supermarkets are getting into silly money, but I can often pick up a side of salmon quite cheaply.
How do I smoke my own?