Would they need securing with epoxy or silicone?
sometimes I polish off 2 litres at a sitting, BUT, recent brews have been 1.2%, 1.4% and 2.2%, and I also have 1 litre PET bottles, 750ml swing tops and 660 and 500 ml crown cap bottles, and eight 330 ml swing tops.
no I prime with miniscule sugar, sometimes none - but I bottle in 4 to 6 days.....Hi bobukbrewer,
I'm not sure if I've ever brewed a beer that was less than 5%. I'm not against it -- I like a good session ale -- I just haven't tried brewing one yet. Do you prime a little higher knowing you are bottling in 2 L bottles? I almost always go with 2.4 volumes and am happy with that level of carbonation. I like the idea of filling fewer bottles, but not sure how to limit what I currently see as the possible downside to doing that.
No, the rubber bumper thing on the valve creates a seal. I use them on pop bottle caps to make carbonation caps, too. You've got to make sure you don't lie the bottles down initially or the booze ends up tasting of oil and rubber. I learnt the hard way in a bottle priming vs force priming taste test.Would they need securing with epoxy or silicone?
No, the rubber bumper thing on the valve creates a seal. I use them on pop bottle caps to make carbonation caps, too. You've got to make sure you don't lie the bottles down initially or the booze ends up tasting of oil and rubber. I learnt the hard way in a bottle priming vs force priming taste test.
No, the pressure seals th rubber against the underside, IF you pull it into the correctly-sized hole. As I said, I haven't actually DONE this yet, but it seems like it should work. Not sure about taint, though...Would they need securing with epoxy or silicone?
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