Summer lightning AG#1 should I move to secondary FV?

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Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
South Northamptonshire
Hi all,
Just a quick question, my 1st AG is now sitting in my fermenting fridge at 12C
as the instructions said to allow fermentation for 7 days then reduce temp to 12C for a further week.

When this period is up should I transfer it to a secondary FV for another week?

Or can I transfer it to my pressure barrel and bottle it from there?

Does anybody know how soon this would be ready for testing? ;)

I also decicided to dry hop with 20g of goldings .

Cheers all. :cheers:
I wouldn't bother with secondary. Did you take a gravity reading after 7 days? you should get into the habit of measuring your beer with a hydrometer rather than doing something after a set number of days. If you're going to dry hop, take a gravity reading and let us know.
Hi, yep measured gravity on Friday night @1008
So worked out about 5.7% as I undershot the volume by 2ltrs.
As it was my AG#1 was just glad that everything worked ok ;)

I dry hopped yesterday ,put the goldings in a muslin bag with 3x M18 stainless nuts but didn't take a gravity reading as I didn't want to mess about with it too much.

Can't wait to do my AG#2 but I'm torn between Alemans Erdinger recipe and Sara Carter Jaipur clone :hmm:
Baldbrewer said:
Can't wait to do my AG#2 but I'm torn between Alemans Erdinger recipe and Sara Carter Jaipur clone :hmm:

Both would be good, I can vouch for Sara Carters Bombay IPA :thumb: ,

You should be good for bottling or kegging after 5-7 days of dry hopping.
Have to say I'm leaning towards the Jaipur as the mash profile of the erdinger is my main concern,
It's only my AG#2 and so far I find sparing over a sheet of foil in my cool box mashtun quiet easy.
I'm a little unsure if I will get the best out of the erdinger by just doing a 90 min mash @ 66.6C
I too wouldn't bother racking to secondary; if you sanitise it well and avoid splashing/oxidising during the transfer theres no reason why its a bad idea, but i find that my normal schedule of about 10days fermentation followed by 10days dry-hopping doesn't gain any tangeable benefit from racking.

I also like both IPAs and wheat beers for summer; about equally as much. After decades of british ales I've started getting into wheat beers recently for this reason. I can say that after doing ferulic acid rests they have become more authentic, but its not an especially easy thing to do and they were still 'very' nice with just a single infusion so i wouldn't let mashing schedules put you off having a go with wheat.

That said, they can be harder to sparge and i wouldn't skimp on the yeast variety either as thats a key part, so perhaps (as a second AG) the Jaipur may be an easier step..


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