Suitable container

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dirty squid

Active Member
Oct 26, 2012
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I have order myself a couple of the classic coconut rum kits, i just love coconut rum so i could resist but i do not have any demijohns and i would prefer to do both of the kits at the same time so i was hoping i would be able to use an empty one of these ... B005AVQ63Y
We literally throw these away every day at work and as they are food grade plastic that has only contained water i have bought some home to employ as demijohns once i have drilled a hole for a bung.
Surely these would be o.k to use :pray:
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people use these for yeast starters , conditioning containers and for fermenting , yes i would get yourself many as some wines/ciders are best left for an age :thumb:
I have used water cooler 19lt bottles in the past. I reuse the plastic lid by drilling a hole for the bubbler. They are a bugger to clean afterwards, so I ended up using them as long term storage. But at 19lt they weren't big enough for me so passed them onto Moley.
dirty squid said:
We literally throw these away every day at work and as they are food grade plastic that has only contained water i have bought some home to employ as demijohns once i have drilled a hole for a bung.
Surely these would be o.k to use :pray:
Oh yes, grab as many as you can and get them filled :thumb:

I don't like Amazon's prices though :shock:

I have around ten of those, drill the plastic caps with a 30mm Forstner bit so they accept a standard bung and airlock and use them both for fermenting and maturing. Thanks to Bob I now also have 3 of the 19 litre rigid polycarbonate water cooler bottles which are great when ambient temperatures are higher, but now things have cooled down those 15 litre bottles drop nicely into a 25 or 30 litre FV, fill the bucket with water and lob in an aquarium heater.
I get those in 19ltr size here for about 2 quid a pop full, i then got a load of cork bungs off fleabay to fit the tops and drilled them to fit an airlock no probs at all with them. I also use brupaks bottle and barrel steriliser to clean them.
You can drill a smaller hole in the lid and use these grommets to seal the lid around the airlock :)

15 litres is a nice size for turbo cider :D
A shame you don't all live close as i would be able to pass some of them on, we must throw away around 2-3 each day and the garage can only hold so much in the roof space.
At the moment i am up to about 10 but everyone keeps pestering me to take the ones that are collecting at work :D
dirty squid said:
A shame you don't all live close as i would be able to pass some of them on, we must throw away around 2-3 each day and the garage can only hold so much in the roof space.
At the moment i am up to about 10 but everyone keeps pestering me to take the ones that are collecting at work :D
why not find out the UK postage costs and sell on the ones you don't need,

sure many people would be interested in some of those

just a thought
Trouble is, the 19 litre deposit-paid type are quite strong but these 15 litre PETs get damaged easily, they would never survive the journey unless they were packed in something pretty substantial.

Most of mine were bought full from Asda for a bit under six quid, they were JustEau bottles but only a few larger stores stock them.
Ive managed to get my hands on a few of these via my dads workplace. I know there is mention about corking the lids but i was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of where i can get the corks/bungs from. The original lids have been taken off so there is a bloody large hole that my current bungs just fall straight through... any suggestions fellas?
tbert33 said:
Ive managed to get my hands on a few of these via my dads workplace. I know there is mention about corking the lids but i was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of where i can get the corks/bungs from. The original lids have been taken off so there is a bloody large hole that my current bungs just fall straight through... any suggestions fellas?

Could be worth seeinng if this is any good? ... 3f188b66ff
tbert33 said:
Thanks TRXnme. A little pricey but looks perfect!

If it's what you want then you now know what to search for, you might be able to finnd them secondhand, or just plain cheaper with a little work :)

PS, why not use something like cling film as seal with a pin prick in it?

Cheap and will keep out the average bug :D
Ive heard if you boil a rubber johnny in its packet that they can be stretched over a telephone box.... who is up for trying it lol
Well if anyone wishes to collect some from the jct 20 M1 area then they are more than welcome to, a token donation would be appreciated as i have to keep the wife sweet as it takes up space in the garage :nono: .

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