Sugar Question

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Active Member
Dec 19, 2009
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Hey Guys, just bought my second lager kit lasnight, Coopers Mexican Cerveza, and I realised I hadn't bought more brewing sugar, so I went back onto the site and they recommended Muntons Beer Enhancer as a replacement for the sugar for most beers. Has anyone use this beer enchancer before? And will it be worth the extra couple quid i spent?

Alex :)
Beer enhancer is a mix of fermentable sugars and unfermentable dextrins through some dried malt extract. So whereas sugar will contribute alcohol to your final beer it will not add any body as it will completely ferment out, the beer enhancer will leave the residual sugars in the beer that will add to the body and help head retention. If you just use sugar you might end up with a beer that is a bit thin.

Personally I would pay the extra couple of quid and give it a go.

Good luck. :thumb:
Thankyou for the advice, I bought the beer enhancer in the end so hopefully the head and body of the lager should ne nicer this time round:). Cheers!
if you want body, just buy some light spray malt.

However ceveza is not known for body.

If you want extra alcohol, morrisons do dextrin (Glucose powder, or brewing sugar) for about £1.10 for 500 grams this will ferment out giving you a very dry tasting beer.

Failing that a good adjunt for lager is boiled rice or maize, they both give good fermentable sugars and cut down on conditioning time, however, you would need to mash em in so no good for your kit i'm afraid.


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