Got the thing fired up, today is the birth of the "Ickle Brewery" couple of pints drunk to celebrate and a bottle poured over the boiler. 1st brewday today:
Started at 4:00pm,spent 45 mins getting everything spotless and steralised
1) Calculated the losses in dead spaces guessed losses in boil and mashtun, put 35 litres in the boiler, flicked the elements on..
2) weighed out the grains 4 kg of Maris Otter, 200g of barley flakes, 180g of crystal malt
3) the boiler got to 75 degrees in 25 mins flat..the new lid I have knocked up has knocked 10 mins off the boil..
4) Gains all tipped into the Mash tun, trickle sparge arm fitted to the a bit off to make a sludge
5) got the big stirrer going
6) insulation fitted to the mashtun.. temperature had dropped to 58... I forgot to take into account that the grain would be at room temp.. bit more hoof from the boiler, poured a few more litres in at 85 degrees to lift the temp.. hit 66.6.
7) This is where everything looked like it was going "pink thong"...1st runnings just would not clear...after 10 mins tipping back I admitted defeat and just let the thing alone for 1 hour..Sparge the rest, took 15 mins for the trickle to get the rest out of the boiler
8) This is it, as clear as it is going to be, run through back to boiler...wallop... the thing is breaking over in 20 mins, big rolling boil and I mean big rolling boil, 30 litres or so bouncing around the keg, I switched an element off and it was still charging on.
9) plently of goldings and a few fuggles, the smell was really terrific
10) 45 mins and the rest of the goldings (big handful) went in with the Irsh moss
11) I had to switch the boiler off for a couple of mins as it was really bouncing even with 1 element on.
12) Immersion chiller in... its amazing how is cools stuff down, the water comming out of the immersion was to hot to touch
13) I've ended up with 20 liters of wort, OG of 1042 and pitched the yeast at 26 degrees
Heres to "Ickle Brewery's" first go at an AG. I hope its a good un