stuff i should know!

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Active Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Got a brew of a modified coppers dark ale on to brew. Iv got a few questions that I really should know the answers to :s first off I need to test the fg for the next three days to make sure its done. When testing how do i read the gravity with that annoying foam on top? Second.... what should my fg be around if my og was 1.045.And third..... Do I pour the beer iv just tested back into the fg? Surely there is a risk of contamination isn't there. Thanks in advance
Hi My final g last year was 1020 but my starting g was 1050 which gave me 4.2%.It depends on the temp when you take your gravities too.

Have you got a steralised jar to place your hydrometer in to try and get a near as poss for a reading. I just take it from the fv. You can always get near as dam it. And don't throw it away drink it after taqking your reading.

If your starting g was 1045 around 1015 will give you 4%
ps spin your hydrometer around when taking readings so no air bubbles are clinging on to the side.

Hope this is of help
Look at Calum's excellent how to guide on here under the "How to" section, and just slow down, making beer is not a race, the instructions with kits are crap. That annoying foam is the krausen from that annoying yeast that gives your beer over 50% of it's flavour, and always drink your trial jar do not pour it back
As I said In my description this is stuff I should know. I have been brewing for a few months now. I wasn't talking about the krausen on top I meant when you pour the beer into a trial jar I get a head on the beer which stops me seeing the fg. Thanks for reminding me about putting the hydrometer straight in the Fb. That's what I did last time. And iv worked out that my og was actually 1.046 cuz I didn't account for the temp being 20c. Final should be around 1.006
apologies, I thought you were talking about the krausen; you'll get all the information you need from Calum's guide :thumb:
quote "I wasn't talking about the krausen on top I meant when you pour the beer into a trial jar I get a head on the beer which stops me seeing the fg"

I just tear a strip of kitchen roll and put into trial jar to soak up the froth then pull it out & should have clear top to it.

I don't replace the sample back to fv, taste you an idea of final flavour,,,, :thumb:
Sorry for being unclear. Btw I meant straight into the fv. I also meant my og was 1046 cuz my temp was 25c. I really shouldn't post first thing in the morning lol. Thanks for the tips really useful.