stronger wilko cerveza

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New Member
Mar 19, 2013
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Hi everyone, newbie here hoping someone can tell me how to get a wilko cerveza kit to 6% or more. Literally only just done my first batch and now I've got a bit more equipment but I want to brew a stronger brew. I know now I can brew short to like 20 litres instead of 23, but from what I read thats not going to get me up to or over 6%. Apart from adding vodka can someone please give me some tips ? Cheers.
Just add more sugar or DME or even LME. If you brew short then I'd have thought it would be OK to simply add sugar, flavour-wise. You may need a different yeast, I don't know what comes with the kit and what its alcohol tolerance will be, I don't think 6% will be a problem but some yeasts may not like it, as least when it comes to secondary (carbonation).