Stout, or not?

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Sep 13, 2010
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Through no fault of my own I have 4kg of flaked barley and nothing to do with it.
I've had a look on t'internet and it seems its only use is in a stout, so can someone give me a fantastic stout recipe for someone who only drinks it when they're in Ireland!
Or have I missed something and it has another use?
I'll be brewing tomorrow so if you have something better than a Chinless clone pipe up!
I may have been doing this wrong for along time but I use flaked barley in most brews for head retention instead of torrified wheat. Usually 100 - 150g.
i cant find anything other than stouts where you could use much more than 5% for head retention, sorry, so unless you love stouts it will last a long time.
OK, who's got a kick ass stout recipe then. Or is it just pale malt, flaked and roast barley.
do you brew ag or extract? ive got a few books here with things but i havnt tried many. dry stout is the one to get rid of flaked barley you could use a whole kg on a 5 gallon batch
Well having played around with BrewMate for a bit it seems that I'm going for a Foreign Extra Stout.

4.1 kg Maris Otter
1.2 kg Flaked Barley
300g Roast Barley
300g Chocolate Malt

30g Magnum for 60min.

Colour 72.9 EBC
OG 1062 FG 1016 ABV 6.09
57.2 IBU
Mashing at 68 for body.

For a non stout drinker this could be interesting.
Im not one for brewing stout but I brewed on late last year, probably about October, and it is only now showing it's true taste. Well worth doing. :thumb:
Well I've done it, not my most succesful brew. I managed to put too much pale malt in and still missed my figures?
I think I'm going back to batch sparging, it's more efficient for me.
But I've ended up with 22 litres of black stuff at 1054 and thats all that matters

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