Sorry, I posted on the wrong thread.
I made up a Brewmaster Irish Velvet on th 31st SG 1040. Today, 5th the SG is only 1032. Now I've made a few of these & it has usally been ready to rack off after 6 days, the Temp is 20C & its supposed to be OK between 18 -24C :wha:
Strangely enough a Coopers Ginger Beer kit that I'm doing for a friend has only dropped from 1024 to 1022 @ 25C in the same time frame. I've given both of them a good shake as it was the slowing down of the airlocks that made me look in the first place.
Do I have a problem, or should I just wait it out? :? :?
I don't drink much, I spill most of it!!
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I made up a Brewmaster Irish Velvet on th 31st SG 1040. Today, 5th the SG is only 1032. Now I've made a few of these & it has usally been ready to rack off after 6 days, the Temp is 20C & its supposed to be OK between 18 -24C :wha:
Strangely enough a Coopers Ginger Beer kit that I'm doing for a friend has only dropped from 1024 to 1022 @ 25C in the same time frame. I've given both of them a good shake as it was the slowing down of the airlocks that made me look in the first place.
Do I have a problem, or should I just wait it out? :? :?
I don't drink much, I spill most of it!!
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