Storing in keg

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Active Member
Oct 29, 2012
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I must be missing something.
I have finished with the mixing bucket transferred to my fermenter now on day one so after two weeks do I transfer the beer again to a keg ?? Iam not bottling just storing in keg
Your not missing something you've done too much!
You should have just mixed it all up in the FV and then set it going.
Then once it's finished, usually after 10 or so days you prime your keg and then transfere it to condition.
No need for a mixing bucket, that just adds anoth posibility for infection!
Doing kits 101...

Clean and rinse FV
Sanitize and rinse FV (unless it's a no rinse solution)
Follow instructions on kit. Mix everything up very well, give it a good stir so their is lots of oxygen in it.
Take SG reading using turkey baster (80p in Wilkinsons) and sample jar/hydrometer
Sprinkle yeast on top of wort
Put lid on and fill airlock with sanitizing solution or vodka and attach to lid.
Place FV in warm environment around 18C
Leave for a few days and then take SG readings. (when it is consistent for 3 days running you're done)
Transfer FV to cooler location for 3 days.
Bottle (using bottle filler) or keg

hope this helps.
LeedsBrewer said:
Doing kits 101...

Put lid on and fill airlock with sanitizing solution or vodka and attach to lid.

This is new to me how important is this, i just stuck water in my airlock... :wha:
Sometimes the liquid in the airlock can be sucked into your FV. This could potentially be a source of infection. Having sanitiser or Vodka in there means you don't have to worry about it. (vodka is an inhospitable place for micro-organisms so will kill or stop any external contaminants)
Ok got it mixed up here sorry guys I did mix it in fv and its now in barrel with bubble airlock

So ? After the cooling Stage of two weeks I lock off the top and just store in the keg yes?

As I got two going here two weeks apart I really want to get it right you see my logic is the more you ask the better the finished product the vodka idea. Was another learning curve. Lol
So just to clarify, you mixed it in the FV then transfered it to the keg to ferment?
Yep. As Iam new terminology is something to learn.
Mixed in the lidded bucket from the kit then transferred to a keg with breather and bung but need that keg for next batch so bought another keg with no hole in top just a cap for adding gas by the look of it which I won't be using as I hate gas added to beer
This keg I was going to use to store the beer but I think I will need to bottle it now as it may turn bad after too long
You usually mix it up in a large bucket (FV) 25lt to 33lt and then ferment it in there.
Once 2 weeks have passed you rack off to a keg/bottles for secondary fermentation and conditioning.

A FV (Fermenting Vessel) is usually a large bucket with a lid and sometimes an airlock.
A Keg is a place to store, condition and decant your brew from for drinking.

So is yours in a keg or FV?

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