Still bubbling 7 days in...

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
The Shire
I started my home brew a week ago today, it's been fermenting away nicely all week, yet it's still bubbling...

It's been at a fairly constant 22 degrees with little fluctuation. Is this normal?

I haven't even opened the FV to see what's going on so should I crack the lid n take a reading or should I leave it a few more days?
7 days is a nice start. Don't worry about it taking time it's done when it's done. My FV is kept quite cool probably closer to 17-18C so by 2 weeks the fermentation is done or almost there. I then leave it until the next sunday which could be up to another week to bottle it.

Edit: Also if you've got a hydrometer to hand you can easily take a measurement and see how it's doing. If you haven't got one I recommend you do they are probably the most useful piece of equipment and yet only cost about £3.
Thanks for the advice. I have a hydrometer but I didn't see much point in opening up the FV whilst it was still bubbling away. Will give it another couple of days then check again n take some readings. I guess it could also just be the pressure still in the FV escaping rather than it still fermenting.
simonlpearce said:
Thanks for the advice. I have a hydrometer but I didn't see much point in opening up the FV whilst it was still bubbling away. Will give it another couple of days then check again n take some readings. I guess it could also just be the pressure still in the FV escaping rather than it still fermenting.

I would imagine if the fermentation had stopped, there'd be no bubbles as the pressure inside wouldn't increase causing CO2 to escape. But that's just my guess! :cheers:
simonlpearce said:
Thanks for the advice. I have a hydrometer but I didn't see much point in opening up the FV whilst it was still bubbling away.

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