sterilisation is safe for how long

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Active Member
Feb 12, 2009
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alright peeps, just wondering if someone can tell me.
if i sterilise wine bottles with lids, and screwed them on, and left them alone for a couple of weeks could i just start filling them or would the need sterilising again :?
I would put a couple of ml of no rinse sanitiser in them, shake it around and empty it out before using
I remember Hendrixcat on ICB saying he often sterilises beer bottles months in advance and caps them with tinfoil until he wants to use them. I'm not saying it's good practice but he reckons he has never had any problems ;)
A T I do the same, but still a quick swill and shake with iodophor is a simple precaution.
A T said:
he often sterilises beer bottles months in advance and caps them with tinfoil until he wants to use them.
Thanks for that, I find the business of having to prep. 40 bottles in one go something of a PITA so I've been cleaning and sanitising a few at a time as I acquire or empty them, then covering them with a crown cap and building up a supply.

Incidentally, I blagged one milk crate off our own milkman a few weeks ago, but this afternoon as I was driving home from w**k, through a rural village, I happened to spot two more lying scattered by the roadside. I can only assume that the milkman, on his Friday afternoon money collection, had hit a pothole or something and shed a couple of empty crates. They are now down my cellar, cleaned and ready to receive. :D

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