stalled fermentation

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Active Member
Aug 9, 2012
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Hi there folks.

Currently got a geordie winter warmer on the go. Put it on monday night with a kg of extra DME and a kg of brewing sugar. Checked it yesterday and the foamy crust has sunk and gravity is reading 1030. There is lots of fine bubble coming up from the bottom of the keg. Is this anything to worry about? I've only done about 3-4 brews previous to this one.


What was the OG and what temperature has it been at? On the face of it, though, you can see plenty of activity...

EDIT - 2Kg of extra stuff may have given the kit yeast a lot of work to do, though I haven't done that kit
Ummmm. Didn't take the starting gravity and temperature wise its in my downstairs loo next to a radiator but the temperature doesn't fluctuate to much.

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