Stainless Tubing Coils

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Blue Zulu

New Member
Aug 18, 2013
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Hi folks,

I am gathering bits-n-pieces for my Herms build, which I hope to post on here as I progress.

I have been looking for a coil of 10mm or similar Stainless Tubing for my Herms Coil to fit in a 6L Thermopot. I can get a straight length up to 6m which would be fine but postage is expensive due to the length.

I could get a 25 ft coil from the states for about £25 but postage is expensive.

I wonder if anyone has sourced a supplier of reasonably priced coiled tubing in the UK?

Blue Zulu said:
I wonder if anyone has sourced a supplier of reasonably priced coiled tubing in the UK?
Try talking to Mark at home brew builder, I'd love a custom built length for an IC in my 150L boiler . . .but might make do with his standard IC coil (Shiny of course)
piddledribble said:
Same thing is cheaper from home brew builders own web site ;)
just giving the lad a choice Aleman..........and boosting awareness of home brew builders prices.
Thanks for the replies. :)

Really just looking for a tubing supplier rather than the finished article. I will send Mark an e-mail, but It would be rude of me to ask him to divulge the source of his materials.

Now that I have seen you can get a 25ft coiled length of 3/8" Stainless from NY Brew in the States for under £25, I am determined to find a source nearer to home.

Failing that then I might be tempted to buy it from the States as I am sure that I could Clag on some hard to find bit's-n-pieces to the order such as some Perlick Faucets to make the postage/duty etc worthwhile.

In this thread, Barneey describes how he made the coil I now use, from a 3m length of stainless tubing from BES...


I think the tube is £23 (+vat + postage I suspect)

Three meters certainly seems adequate in my case...
MacKiwi said:
In this thread, Barneey describes how he made the coil I now use, from a 3m length of stainless tubing from BES... ... 13&t=42901

I think the tube is £23 (+vat + postage I suspect)

Three meters certainly seems adequate in my case...

Thanks for that MacKiwi :) I had seen Barneey's Post and seen that the postage on 3m from BES is quite reasonable but still adds up to around £40. The standard maximum straight length from most stockholders is 6m and postage for this is around £25.

A coil is going to be easier and cheaper to post and means I can order a longer length (10m). Unfortunately I live out in the sticks otherwise I would have ordered and collected from a stockholder locally.

I have a number of stainless product coils from chillers that I'm selling for a tenner (+p&P) if that helps.

Blue Zulu said:
MacKiwi said:
In this thread, Barneey describes how he made the coil I now use, from a 3m length of stainless tubing from BES... ... 13&t=42901

I think the tube is £23 (+vat + postage I suspect)

Three meters certainly seems adequate in my case...

Thanks for that MacKiwi :) I had seen Barneey's Post and seen that the postage on 3m from BES is quite reasonable but still adds up to around £40. The standard maximum straight length from most stockholders is 6m and postage for this is around £25.

A coil is going to be easier and cheaper to post and means I can order a longer length (10m). Unfortunately I live out in the sticks otherwise I would have ordered and collected from a stockholder locally.


BES does do free delivery if

"Delivery is free for orders with a value of over £40 (excluding VAT) which are despatched by B.E.S's usual means in one consignment. "

So if you need any other fittings for the build etc. hosetails, ballvalves etc. it would still be the cheapest way of doing things.
jamesb said:
I have a number of stainless product coils from chillers that I'm selling for a tenner (+p&P) if that helps.

that could be good for a fermnetation chiller set up

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