I've been thinking about this quite recently. Is there any reason i couldn't mash and sparge one evening. Collect the wort and then boil and cool the next evening? :hmm:
This would mean i could brew more often. Like every night of the week. :party: I'm usually filling dive cylinders for 3-4 hrs of an evening so i can easily manage 4 hrs spent brewing but not much more really. So if i could mash and sparge one evening and then boil and cool the next i'd be a lot more productive. Also i get 24hr's plus lag times with my yeast. This is because i take a pint of wort from the boiler 10 mins into the boil, cool and add to my liquid yeast culture. Which really needs more than a couple of hours to get going. But i could take a pint, nuke it in microwave and add to culture the evening i mash. By the following eve the starter should be raring to go.
I reckon this will work. I'm so convinced that i'm going to start this evening. I'll be making a MK II valentine arm as well. As my brew messiah has pointed out a few things where i can improve mine and get it more like a real one.
This would mean i could brew more often. Like every night of the week. :party: I'm usually filling dive cylinders for 3-4 hrs of an evening so i can easily manage 4 hrs spent brewing but not much more really. So if i could mash and sparge one evening and then boil and cool the next i'd be a lot more productive. Also i get 24hr's plus lag times with my yeast. This is because i take a pint of wort from the boiler 10 mins into the boil, cool and add to my liquid yeast culture. Which really needs more than a couple of hours to get going. But i could take a pint, nuke it in microwave and add to culture the evening i mash. By the following eve the starter should be raring to go.
I reckon this will work. I'm so convinced that i'm going to start this evening. I'll be making a MK II valentine arm as well. As my brew messiah has pointed out a few things where i can improve mine and get it more like a real one.