Some notes on Pilsner temps and yeast for newbies...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Birmingham, England
Me and my dad are brewing a Pilsner kit and thought it might help to keep a bit of info on how it performs, as it uses a real lager yeast and can be somewhat daunting for a new brewer. It's the right time of year to brew these types of beers for massive amateurs like me without controllable temps, so here goes...

We made the kit up to instructions. It's being kept in the late teens temperature wise, as that's what the kit requires, and that's the temp in our hall. Ours usually take off the morning after, but this one had a whole day between pitching and actively starting. I can assume that the yeast takes a little while to get going compared to warm fermenting ales...

Opened up the FV for a peak, and it's got a white mouldy look to it, no doubt because of the lack of krauzen. It had that fizzy gassy sort of smell, so we left it to do its thing as it clearly hasn't stopped. A few hours later it's taken off properly and is chugging along nicely.

More to come - hope it tastes good. :thumb:
Coopers Heritage Pilsner :thumb:

Fermentation has now finished, it's got a very thick, sludgey yeast cake that was very easy to rack from! The rotten egg smell is pretty extreme, but time will fix that, of course.

As for clearing, it appears to be clearing out very quickly. I'll look forward to tucking into one of these as soon as possible :cheers: