Short notice bottle swap!

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Jul 15, 2015
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Going to be posting out a bottle of my raspberry wheatbeer at some point tomorrow.

Would anyone else like anything in my signature in exchange for....I have 2 spare bottle boxes to use.
Going to be posting out a bottle of my raspberry wheatbeer at some point tomorrow.

Would anyone else like anything in my signature in exchange for....I have 2 spare bottle boxes to use.

can't see your sig :wha: but up for anything over 5% :grin: in xchange for anything on my drinking list, you'd need to send first tho as i'm packaging-less atm. :oops: suppose i'd better order something on line!
Fixed the signature...don't remember unticking it.

The coffee stout (6.8%) is aging better than the double ipa, but all my brews are over 5% apart from the coopers stout...
I wouldn't mind trying a raspberry wheat. I need to amend my signature.

I have a porter, saison, American IPA, Belgian dark, Belgian blonde and and I can't remember
Fixed the signature...don't remember unticking it.

The coffee stout (6.8%) is aging better than the double ipa, but all my brews are over 5% apart from the coopers stout...

wouldn't mind trying the coffee stout or the double ipa :grin: you're welcome to anything from my drinking sig.

I have a 7.22% dark triple just bottled which needs to carb up as well, but that might well be a bit green won't be trying the carb tester till a week tomorrow.

I can't put that on my sig 'cos it's full up, guess I'll have to finish off some of the low stock beers :lol:

Pm sent with my request and asking for your address.
Sampled my swapped bottles on wed (my birthday). I really enjoyed the process, getting some opinions from other brewers as well as trying some different brews.

Hope @Leon103 and @dad_of_jon don't mind me sharing my feedback publicly.

Bottle 1 leon's dark Belgian abbey ale.
I think my first Belgian abbey...and a good introduction.
This has had 16months in the bottle, so a huge thanks to leon for parting with one.
Having not had one before I was unsure what to expect besides a big frothy head - check and a big abv - check.
This was a very smooth pint and hid the alcohol very well. As to style (I believe) definitely more malty than hoppy and not overly sweet. I'm sure my untrained Belgian palet missed a lot of the flavours here but my legs definitely reacted to a pint of this, very enjoyable, but definietely smaller bottles for me if I brew one of these.

After a longer break than planned was dofj's not punk ipa(or punk ipa NOT).
I believe a diydog version of the original punk ipa.

He had warned me the hops were on their way out but even so this was a lovely pint, well carbed, still with hints of the tropical/citrus punch that I enjoyed in punk initially and eventually led me to homebrewing. As with leons brew I would have happily had this served to me in the pub although as with these two on wed, it would be a short night of drinking...

A word to future bottle swappers I think we all found that royal mail had "helped" the yeast through the beer again and I'll probably leave future swaps at least a week to clear again.
Sampled my swapped bottles on wed (my birthday). I really enjoyed the process, getting some opinions from other brewers as well as trying some different brews.

Hope @Leon103 and @dad_of_jon don't mind me sharing my feedback publicly.

Bottle 1 leon's dark Belgian abbey ale.
I think my first Belgian abbey...and a good introduction.
This has had 16months in the bottle, so a huge thanks to leon for parting with one.
Having not had one before I was unsure what to expect besides a big frothy head - check and a big abv - check.
This was a very smooth pint and hid the alcohol very well. As to style (I believe) definitely more malty than hoppy and not overly sweet. I'm sure my untrained Belgian palet missed a lot of the flavours here but my legs definitely reacted to a pint of this, very enjoyable, but definietely smaller bottles for me if I brew one of these.

After a longer break than planned was dofj's not punk ipa(or punk ipa NOT).
I believe a diydog version of the original punk ipa.

He had warned me the hops were on their way out but even so this was a lovely pint, well carbed, still with hints of the tropical/citrus punch that I enjoyed in punk initially and eventually led me to homebrewing. As with leons brew I would have happily had this served to me in the pub although as with these two on wed, it would be a short night of drinking...

A word to future bottle swappers I think we all found that royal mail had "helped" the yeast through the beer again and I'll probably leave future swaps at least a week to clear again.

Glad you enjoyed it and hope you had a good birthday.
Sampled my swapped bottles on wed (my birthday). I really enjoyed the process, getting some opinions from other brewers as well as trying some different brews.

Hope @Leon103 and @dad_of_jon don't mind me sharing my feedback publicly.

Bottle 1 leon's dark Belgian abbey ale.
I think my first Belgian abbey...and a good introduction.
This has had 16months in the bottle, so a huge thanks to leon for parting with one.
Having not had one before I was unsure what to expect besides a big frothy head - check and a big abv - check.
This was a very smooth pint and hid the alcohol very well. As to style (I believe) definitely more malty than hoppy and not overly sweet. I'm sure my untrained Belgian palet missed a lot of the flavours here but my legs definitely reacted to a pint of this, very enjoyable, but definietely smaller bottles for me if I brew one of these.

After a longer break than planned was dofj's not punk ipa(or punk ipa NOT).
I believe a diydog version of the original punk ipa.

He had warned me the hops were on their way out but even so this was a lovely pint, well carbed, still with hints of the tropical/citrus punch that I enjoyed in punk initially and eventually led me to homebrewing. As with leons brew I would have happily had this served to me in the pub although as with these two on wed, it would be a short night of drinking...

A word to future bottle swappers I think we all found that royal mail had "helped" the yeast through the beer again and I'll probably leave future swaps at least a week to clear again.

I agree about leaving bottles for a min of a week to chill out. My last swap with red Darren I'm convinced was ruined by transit. I've got allot of making up to do [emoji6]

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Sampled my swapped bottles on wed (my birthday). I really enjoyed the process, getting some opinions from other brewers as well as trying some different brews.

Hope @Leon103 and @dad_of_jon don't mind me sharing my feedback publicly.

Bottle 1 leon's dark Belgian abbey ale.
I think my first Belgian abbey...and a good introduction.
This has had 16months in the bottle, so a huge thanks to leon for parting with one.
Having not had one before I was unsure what to expect besides a big frothy head - check and a big abv - check.
This was a very smooth pint and hid the alcohol very well. As to style (I believe) definitely more malty than hoppy and not overly sweet. I'm sure my untrained Belgian palet missed a lot of the flavours here but my legs definitely reacted to a pint of this, very enjoyable, but definietely smaller bottles for me if I brew one of these.

After a longer break than planned was dofj's not punk ipa(or punk ipa NOT).
I believe a diydog version of the original punk ipa.

He had warned me the hops were on their way out but even so this was a lovely pint, well carbed, still with hints of the tropical/citrus punch that I enjoyed in punk initially and eventually led me to homebrewing. As with leons brew I would have happily had this served to me in the pub although as with these two on wed, it would be a short night of drinking...

A word to future bottle swappers I think we all found that royal mail had "helped" the yeast through the beer again and I'll probably leave future swaps at least a week to clear again.

I think wheat beers are probably the best beers to enjoy after the royal mails intervention doesn't matter if they get shaken up a bit. :rolleyes:

Many thanks for your kind words :cheers: I had one last night and enjoyed it thought It is different to the ones I had after 2 weeks in the bottle. I reckon if you overhop then you get a longer time frame to drink them but at the obvious expense of a large hop bill, unlike darker beers that get better over time. AIPA's are a relativity expensive proposition.
I think wheat beers are probably the best beers to enjoy after the royal mails intervention doesn't matter if they get shaken up a bit. :rolleyes:

Many thanks for your kind words :cheers: I had one last night and enjoyed it thought It is different to the ones I had after 2 weeks in the bottle. I reckon if you overhop then you get a longer time frame to drink them but at the obvious expense of a large hop bill, unlike darker beers that get better over time. AIPA's are a relativity expensive proposition.

what about cider's ? how long do they need to chill out again ?