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Jan 2, 2013
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Well my new 19Ltr stock pot has arrived, nice and shiny stainless steel :party:

Anyhow, I am wanting to make a brew, and am flip flopping between BIAB and Extract as a starter.
I get that the difference would be that with BIAB I do a mash to make what the LME would create in an extract brew, so am comfy either method - and certainly there is a price advantage to BIAB using grain.

I had intended to buy the 6X clone kit from Brewuk, but reckon it makes more sense to buy the ingredients and start a stock of hops.

So first up, for my 6X style 2.5 gallon brew, and having read around the t'interweb, I have the following for an extract method:

1 kg Light Malt Extract
140 gms Crystal Malt
30 gms Black Malt

Then for hops:
15 gms Fuggles for 60 mins
8 gms East Kent Goldings for 15 mins

I also get that I should add a teaspoon of Irish Moss 30 mins from the end.

Would appreciate some feedback on the above, am I about right or am I way off the mark?

Secondly, were I to go for doing it BIAB all grain, would I replace the LME with a quantity of something like crushed Maris Otter?
If so, and aiming for a 2.5 Gallon final volume, what amount would I need? (I've seen figure of about 1.5 times as much, but not too sure)

Anyhow, hope the above makes some sort of sense. I am keen to do 2.5 gallon brews as it means I can brew more often, and get more varieties on the go rather than having 40 pints each time of one type.

hi , your recipe will give you a 2.8% heavy bitter drink , i have added 750 g more dme and some more hops to balance the extra sweetness the extra dme made , hope it helps.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG EBC Yield
91% 1.750 BREWFERM Light Malt Extract Unhopped Boil 80 %
7% 0.140 Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L Steep 75 %
2% 0.030 Black Malt Steep 60 %

Select an ingredient

Specific Gravity
1.049 OG
(1.043 to 1.051)
12.1° Plato
1.012 FG
(1.010 to 1.013)
3.1° Plato
22° EBC
11° SRM
Copper to Red/Lt. Brown
Mash Efficiency
75 %

Use Time Grams Hop Variety AA » IBU
boil 60 min 25.0 Fuggles ~ leaf 4.5 » 23.6
boil 15 min 15.0 East Kent Goldings ~ leaf 5 » 7.8

31.5 IBU

4.9% ABV
johnnyh said:
I also get that I should add a teaspoon of Irish Moss 30 mins from the end.
Make that 5g at 15 mins from end otherwise Pittsy's your man.
Cheers chaps,

I just ran it through Brewmate - hadnt tried it before, and it gives me:

2kg LME
162 gms crystal 120
69 gms black malt

142 gms fuggles
71 gms EKG

1 tsp or 5 gms as you were of irish moss

OG 1.043, FG 1.011, ABV 4.22
IBU 217.1
SRM 22.3

60 minute boil length.

So, I guess the question here is...

Will it be anything like my favourite pint of 6x, or more importantly, will it be drinkable :D

Cheers for all the input :)
OK, a little tinkering in Brewmate to try and get close to colour and bitterness of 6x has given me this...

11.5 L Batch size

Original Gravity (OG): 1.043 (°P): 10.7
Final Gravity (FG): 1.011 (°P): 2.8
Alcohol (ABV): 4.22 %
Colour (SRM): 20.8 (EBC): 41.0
Bitterness (IBU): 22.6 (Average)

1.74 kg Dry Malt Extract - Light
.135 kg Crystal 120
.058 kg Black Malt

15 gms Fuggles (5.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
7 gms East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)

5 gms Irish Moss @ 15 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 20°C with Safeale S-04

Reckon I am good to go??


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