Second Brew scheduled

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2013
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Ok, after the (relative) success of the first brew, the second is now on!

Nothing exciting; another kit; Woodforde Wherry, which i love drinking so i'm hoping to reproduce the tastiness in some way...

This Saturday afternoon...

Don't do it down, the Wherry is a good one, one of my favourites so far (not done that many though).

I know you may not have thought about it yet but have a good think about how much sugar your going to prime with. I bottled mine and next time I do it (I have 2 of these waiting for my FV to be clear) I will be doing it with slightly less priming sugar, it was just slightly too fizzy for me, although it was very smooth. I cant remember how much I used though to be honest.
Second brew done; Saturday 11th. Much easier going, having done my first kit before Christmas.

OG 1.500

Bubbling away nicely... already lining up the next one for when the FV is free
by gum!

its been two weeks bubbling away nicely. did the first SG reading (1.016) last night and going to do another tonight to confirm its finished fermenting and to bottle on Sunday.

Was mightily impressed when the lid came off the FV; the beer foam had reached all the way up to the lid!

After the SG reading, had a little taste (rude to throw it away...)

Tastes nice! :D :D :D
Good work, I would probably want it a bit lower before bottling, I cant remember what mine ended up with but closer to 1010 would be better. It is a lovely beer, well worth the wait. I have just freed my fermenter up so have the choice to either put another Wherry on or go for the Wilko's Pilsner, which I am pretty sure wont be half as good, but its something different.
left it over a week and have just done another SG - 1010

bit more like it. do another SG tomorrow and we'll see.

Airlock on the FV is still bubbling though, which i find a bit odd
though i should say it's beneficial to make sure you have enough bottle caps before you get started...