saving/rinsing yeast

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Jun 22, 2011
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i bottle my first ag tomorrow and wanted to save the yeast

I was going to leave a little beer in the bottom once siphoned into bottling bucket.
swirl this around n funnel into a couple of clean n sanitised bottles (videne ok here? most guides ive read are boiling their containers for this)
wait to settle out- i want the middle layer- but heres another question- any fancy tricks to pouring out top layer witout the other layers? and then once the top layer is gone, how do i pour out the middle layer while leaving the crap bottom layer behind?


thanks for that, but that link doesnt really answer the questions

anyone any thoughts?
I have taken to dumping the yeast along with a little beer into a pet bottle. Then leaving it in the fridge I used on ethe other week which was 5 months old. Doing another one but this time I have woken it up again with a 1040 wort. Granted its not the cleanest of yeasts but it works. It is also better to use the yeast taken after the beer has been dropped into a secondry ie the yeast in the bottom of the secondry as most of the break material will be in the primary.

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