Sare stanes

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Jul 1, 2012
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I was up last night with the worst pain in my side I've ever felt, so I got an emergency app with the quack this morning and he sais he thinks I've got gall stones and they've maybe caused an infection and that's why it's so sore, so I've to get an ultrasound to confirm it then take it from there, that's all I fu**ing need.
I sympathise - I had a gallstone last year. Only one, but it was 4cm in diameter :eek: and very painful. It eventually blocked the exit to the bile duct in the gall bladder. Had key hole surgery about 8 months after it was diagnosed and been right as rain ever since.
Aw it's a horrible feeling, the doc said can you imagine trying to force something the size of a dice through a straw, ouch, I feel a bit better tonight cos he gave me some anti inflamitorys for it so I shouldn't get another attack, but they upset my stomach so he's also given me something for that, I'm not a medicine kinda guy, I think a hot bath, cold pint then early night helps most ailments, but not this one lol.
My doctor gave me diclofenac sodium sulphate as it's the best painkiller for gallstones. But the most effective version is a suppository :sick: Thankfully I never had to use them.

The codeine after the op was fun though :lol:
Yeah it's diclofenic I've got but it gives me awfy cramps on my belly, I'm hoping to pass my mot soon cos in the interests of my health I'm giving the drink and greasy foods a wee body swerve for now just till I start feeling more up to it, I really don't fancy a beer just now with this sore stomach and I doubt it'll help any.
Make sure you take diclofenic with food, or you can get stomach ulcers. I was lucky that fatty food, or alcohol, didn't seem to be too much of an issue for me. However, for many people it is, as bile is essentially released by the gallbladder to help digest fat/alcohol and when it contracts after a meal and that's when you can get problems with the stones.

My wife had gallstones and ended up eating no fat and not drinking for 9 month and lost 2 stone in weight, whereas I only had two attacks and was able to carry on as normal.
I'm all up for losing 2 stone but I still want to have my beer, hopefully in a couple of days the soreness left from the attack will be all gone and I can have a pint, I'll bear that in mind about the tablets cos stomach ulcers I ain't wanting lol.
I went to see the Doctor yesterday

He said i was a Hypochondriac,

I said "What, on top of everything else"............
you're doing the right thing, get it sorted as soon as. My dad had trouble with gallstones, in the end getting jaundice etc, doc said after his op that it was causing a fusion I think to his pancreas, it was quite a concern at the time. But they are very common, I think most middle aged people have stones, just more pronounced in some people. I cant imagine the discomfort, but at least you,ve got it under control and hopefully be fighting fit soon, I know my dad made is, he made a full recovery sharpish.
home brewer said:
you're doing the right thing, get it sorted as soon as. My dad had trouble with gallstones, in the end getting jaundice etc, doc said after his op that it was causing a fusion I think to his pancreas, it was quite a concern at the time. But they are very common, I think most middle aged people have stones, just more pronounced in some people. I cant imagine the discomfort, but at least you,ve got it under control and hopefully be fighting fit soon, I know my dad made is, he made a full recovery sharpish.
Yeah it's worrying when they tell you all that can happen but hopefully it's all straight forward for me, just need to wait on an appointment now, god only knows how long that'll take.
From first diagnosis to ultrascan took a few weeks, then once I had been referred for surgery, I had to wait 5-6 months. However, it will depend on your local health authority and what their waiting times are like. I was lucky in that in order to meet their waiting list targets, they shipped me off to a private hospital.

The op itself is done is generally done on an outpatient basis, so you may be home the same day. I had an overnight stay because my op wasn't done till 4pm and I didn't come round from the General Anaesthetic until 7pm. Recovery time for me was really quick, only had to take pain killers for a few days afterwards and they decided not to give me Tramadol, as I told them I wasn't in much pain, so I had Codeine, Diclofneic and paracetamol. I only used the Codeine on one day, about 3 days after the op when for some reason it became more painful. I didn't even use half of the Diclofenic. You're not supposed to drive or lift anything for about 3 weeks afterwards, even if you don't feel any pain, so make sue you haven't got any brews on that need moving about - I had to get my wife to move a full FV of stout and she really struggled with it!