Just been searching for this info on the internet and on this site but so far have been unable to find it. Hopefully some of the brewers here can assist.
When using a wort chiller in the brew kettle, we stick it in before flame out to sterilise the copper (and thus the wort). Usually 15 mins is more than enough. After flame out, the tap goes on and wort chilling commences.
At some point after this (temperature and individual preference specific) late hop additions are added to steep in the hot/warm wort. My question is this: how is one to place a lid on the brew kettle with hose/copper pipe sticking out of the top to achieve sanitation during this period?
I can only think of using cling film as best as possible to cover the gaps but there will be substantial condensation build up where air transfer is highest (I.e. least insulated - around the gaps in the lid)
Leaving the top of the brew kettle open would be fine during regular chilling, as chilling takes around 10/15 mins and as temperature drops the risk of bacterial contaminants also reduces. A hop stand increases this risk substantially.
Another thing I thought of which may be mentioned is removing the wort chiller during the hop stand. This is not a good option as it was already sanitised and removing it at a cooler temperature reveals the sweet wort-covered copper for all the bacteria to feast on. The only way this method may work is to have a second boiling hot large pot to hand to dunk tyethe chiller in while hop stand is taking place. This method is not ideal economically as it presumes paying for another large pot, boiling the water and therefore the cost of the heat to maintain it!
Any thoughts or experience on this issue are welcome.
Many thanks and happy brewing all,
When using a wort chiller in the brew kettle, we stick it in before flame out to sterilise the copper (and thus the wort). Usually 15 mins is more than enough. After flame out, the tap goes on and wort chilling commences.
At some point after this (temperature and individual preference specific) late hop additions are added to steep in the hot/warm wort. My question is this: how is one to place a lid on the brew kettle with hose/copper pipe sticking out of the top to achieve sanitation during this period?
I can only think of using cling film as best as possible to cover the gaps but there will be substantial condensation build up where air transfer is highest (I.e. least insulated - around the gaps in the lid)
Leaving the top of the brew kettle open would be fine during regular chilling, as chilling takes around 10/15 mins and as temperature drops the risk of bacterial contaminants also reduces. A hop stand increases this risk substantially.
Another thing I thought of which may be mentioned is removing the wort chiller during the hop stand. This is not a good option as it was already sanitised and removing it at a cooler temperature reveals the sweet wort-covered copper for all the bacteria to feast on. The only way this method may work is to have a second boiling hot large pot to hand to dunk tyethe chiller in while hop stand is taking place. This method is not ideal economically as it presumes paying for another large pot, boiling the water and therefore the cost of the heat to maintain it!
Any thoughts or experience on this issue are welcome.
Many thanks and happy brewing all,