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Aug 28, 2010
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sw france
Hi all,just done a bitter using S05 yeast,has been in fermenter now for 11 days and is still bubling away at rate of 1/min my first time using this yeast it finished after 8 days, is this ok or should i stop it somehow as i have read from aleman that a quick ferment is desirable, all my other brews using S-04 have been finished and bottled after 8 or 9 days have i got a problem or is this normal with this yeast. :cheers: johnluc
I would leave it to finish fermenting. I use US-05 a lot and it does take a while sometimes.

I'm not aware of any reason why a quick ferment is preferable, but whether it is or not, you still want it to finish or you will be leaving lots of unfermented sugars behind making the beer too sweet.

I rarely move my beer out of the fermenter in less than 14 days.
Hi all, beer still bubling away about 1/90 secs gravity 1010 after 17 days is this normal or something wrong,the only difference to this brew was water treated (crs/gypsum) and protofloc instead of irish moss,its a bitter og 1044. temp steady 20/21 c
Personally I'd go with hydrometer readings rather than worrying about the bubbling. Gas might be released from the yeast cells and trub long after the primary fermentation has finished. If you get a constant SG reading over 2-3 days and it's near the expected FG then I'd say it's done.

Also up to 2 weeks in the primary fermentation vessel isn't abnormal. Most of mine ferment within 10 days but some have taken longer. I'm not sure the speed of fermentation is an indicator of quality though. When temperatures are hot then the ferment will happen very quickly but it isn't going to taste that good. :sick:
I think a quick start to fermentation is generally a good thing as it tends to go hand in hand with a decent amount of healthy yeast. Too little viable yeast can result in off flavours due to stress and the longer the yeast take to get going, the more opportunity for wild yeast or bacteria to get a foothold. No idea whether finishing fermentation quickly overall is seen as a good or bad thing...

I'd go with your hydrometer, CO2 can keep coming out of solution after the gravity is stable, also US05 has been known to go quite low so you want to make sure it has actually finished. A bit of time in the FV after gravity has stopped moving is no bad thing anyway. I generally have brews in the FV for 10-14 days.