Active Member
Gents ,
Racked off Old Thumper Clone last night and thought I would rinse the left over yeast in the bottom of the FV .
Anyway there are a few good how to guides to do this on the forums which I've done successfully with wyeast 3068 .
The current brew that I've tried to reclaim has not played ball.
500 mil of cooled boiled water poured on to trub then split into to kilner jars and wait for the three layers to appear namely water,yeast in suspension and trub.However I've been left with two layers top layer of water/beer and a porridgey milky substance that has set like a blacmange I'm at a loss as to what to do to seperate the yeast ?or should I just bin it .
Any advice please
Racked off Old Thumper Clone last night and thought I would rinse the left over yeast in the bottom of the FV .
Anyway there are a few good how to guides to do this on the forums which I've done successfully with wyeast 3068 .
The current brew that I've tried to reclaim has not played ball.
500 mil of cooled boiled water poured on to trub then split into to kilner jars and wait for the three layers to appear namely water,yeast in suspension and trub.However I've been left with two layers top layer of water/beer and a porridgey milky substance that has set like a blacmange I'm at a loss as to what to do to seperate the yeast ?or should I just bin it .
Any advice please