Was discussing with Neil on our brewday, the problems I have with my RIMS, For some reason it never seems to work completely satisfactorily, ad I really suspect its down to my flow rate (high) and a low wattage element . . . I'm not abandoning it completely as it will be used for the femtobrewery (I'm getting a less powerful March 809 pump for that). . . . Which means what to replace it with . . . Nice large underback . . . with a fairly large diameter hole in it . . . Yep A half corny heater chamber, coil up some 10mm copper tube for a heat exchanger . . . sorted.
I'm taking the PID out of the Kegereezer and replacing it with an ATC 800 so I have one PID, . . . . In fact the femto brewery controller has two PIDS in it anyway
I'm taking the PID out of the Kegereezer and replacing it with an ATC 800 so I have one PID, . . . . In fact the femto brewery controller has two PIDS in it anyway