Rims / HERMS Conversion

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Aug 15, 2008
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Was discussing with Neil on our brewday, the problems I have with my RIMS, For some reason it never seems to work completely satisfactorily, ad I really suspect its down to my flow rate (high) and a low wattage element . . . I'm not abandoning it completely as it will be used for the femtobrewery (I'm getting a less powerful March 809 pump for that). . . . Which means what to replace it with . . . Nice large underback . . . with a fairly large diameter hole in it . . . Yep A half corny heater chamber, coil up some 10mm copper tube for a heat exchanger . . . sorted.

I'm taking the PID out of the Kegereezer and replacing it with an ATC 800 so I have one PID, . . . . In fact the femto brewery controller has two PIDS in it anyway :D
I've often debated the merits of the size of a HE chamber.
A small volume allows your PID to react very quickly to temperature fluctuations, whilst avoiding massive overshoots on temp, but you've got to ask yourself if you'll get any temperture fluctuations worth bothering with in a stable mash :hmm:
A larger volume if it overshoots can be a big problem, but then again, it shouldn't overshoot that much, and in theory it should be able to maintain a 'stable' temperature more easily than a small HE.

I've personally been looking at the 6ltr thermo boxes for my HE. The only non insulated part of my system is the HE (ignoring the open MT), and that's where I think most of my heat loss occurs.
Hmm a 6 L tB. For a Heat exchanger............. Aw **** that is too much.... Im going to have to go laydown.... Its the only way I can resist.... Hmmm a 6 Ltr TB heat exchanger.... I must have one.....
I love this dirty shiney talk..... :drink:
A T said:
I was looking at the 6 ltr TB as well but wouldn't it be a pita to fit an element to?

Through the bottom its dead easy. . . . . And you can get Burco/Swan Boiler elements that would fit . . . I have one upstairs to go into my HLT its quite small in diameter . . . don't know the internal diameter of the 6L TB though