Recommend me a beer (kit), please?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Alsace, France
OK, after a month of fairly successful wine brewing, I've decided to experiment with a beer. However I don't know where to start, as there is such a very wide range of kits/types out there.

Beers I enjoy (and don't laugh... I'm a girl from the North!) John Smiths, McEwans Best Scotch, Caffreys, Kilkenny Ruby Red, Vaux Samson (*sigh* *sniff* I miss Vaux...)

Obviously, since moving to France I've been drinking a lot more Pils-style. No decent beer available on draft unless you go to one of the "English pubs" in Switzerland and pay through the nose.

Not too keen on white/wheat beer.

Thanks muchly :cheers:
Betta brew Premium kit India Pale Ale has come out tops with me so far, nice quick and easy brew with a good result, clean white head golden amber colour.
St.Peters Red Ruby Ale is a two can kit which is turning into a nice Bitter. although it threw a lot of deposit its cleared quick in the bottle. It really should have been racked off into a second Fv before bottling. Although not red it has a deep amber colour to it.
Coopers Mexican Cerveza is my latest different beer that's bottled and although young its showing lots of promise, again quick and easy to make, with no problems.
Beers are highly personal and much depends on your taste requirement. But to pick one I'd go for the Betta brew Premium kit IPA ( I'm on my 3rd brew of this ) around 5.3 % abv its a session beer with a kick ! Very drinkable.
Coopers Dark Ale makes a nice change very dark and sweeter than a stout. I made one batch too fizzy and it came out like an alcoholic Dandelion & Burdock ( 2 carb drops per bottle ) and surprisingly was a brew you just poured and drank whenever. My second attempt ( 1 drop per bottle ) was more in keeping with an ale not a pop. and has been well liked by myself and son. Both are getting better and better in the bottle.
I was not impressed with the Coopers Lager but that was our first brew and may have been our fault, but I shan't be making it again any time soon. The Cerveza is a better drink by far and is very palatable with some lime added at drinking time.
I would give my vote to 'Woodfordes Wherry'. It was my first ever home brew, simple and quick to do and resulted in a very quaffable session beer. Every glass put a smile on my face because I'd made it and it tasted soooooo much better than i had been anticipating.
I've since progresed onto partial extract brewing but if I were to try another kit, it would be St. Peters Ruby Red.
i agree with above However i have just had Muntons old english bitter and this is a very good beer and would highly recommend this but i do use a angram hand pump and i have also bottled some for christmas has this beer matures better over 6 months

but st peters ruby red is amazing probally the best i have brewed :drink:
I had very good results from the St Peters Ruby Red, and so did several of my friends, one of whom keeps going back for that kit time and again!

You won't go far wrong with it as a first kit :mrgreen:

Out of interest, just how easy is it to get these British kits over in France??
BigYin said:
Out of interest, just how easy is it to get these British kits over in France??

Powers of t'internet my friend ;)

I just have to pick a supplier who has a decent shipping rate due the weight :thumb:
Thank you all for your suggestions.

I think I'll go for the St Peters Ruby Red to start with and see how that goes...
Good choice - hope you enjoy it :drink:

Is it then worth ordering a few kits and making the most of the carriage costs?? :hmm:
I'm just having one as I type. Only bottled on the 8th of this month when it was christened Muddy Waters it looked horrible. Now its bright and clear a deep amber colour with nice white head and lots of tiny bubbles. It can only get better.
not to throw too much at you, but two other kits I got good results from were Brupaks Colne Valley Bitter, and another Brupak kit - Scammonden Dark :thumb:
Hope you enjoy it.

Best kits I have done are as follows

1. Muntons Imperial Stout
2. Coopers Mexican Cervesa (brewed with lager yeast at appropriate temp)
3. Brukpaks Birkby Bitter
Casey76 said:
.... BeersI enjoy........Vaux Samson (*sigh* *sniff* I miss Vaux...)

You have proper class pet :thumb:

And I doubt there'll be anyone who misses Vaux more than me on here ;)

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Recommendations from me;

Woodfordes range
BetterBrew range
Milestone range
Ritchies Simply range

I had a bit of a splurge, and bought

St Peters Ruby Red
Woodfordes Wherry
Simply Beer - Bitter and
Millstone Brewery - Crusader as a bit of a change.

oldstout said:
Casey76 said:
.... BeersI enjoy........Vaux Samson (*sigh* *sniff* I miss Vaux...)

You have proper class pet :thumb:

And I doubt there'll be anyone who misses Vaux more than me on here ;)

You hail from the NE then? You could say that Vaux was my local brewery - I could see it from my street. :D Lots of fantastic memories of the smell of the mash when the wind was from the south.
I have brewed Wherry, Nelsons Revenge and an Admirals Reserve.
The Wherry was very nice but the Nelsons Revenge was amazing ans the Admirals Reserve is conditioning at the moment so an unknown quantity.

Personally i would Brew the Nelsons Revenge but the range you have there is very good.
Truth be told im a little enviouse :lol:

Good luck
