Recommend a good book

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Nov 19, 2011
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Would anyone have any recommendations for a good all round home brewing book?

Nothing too in depth but including good tips and tricks, the likes of which I find reading this forum.

I have 'Brew your own - British Real Ale' 3rd Edition by Graham Wheeler

That seems really good...but its the only book I have so there might be better?
'How to Brew' by John Palmer is really good.
'The Joy Of Homebrewing' by Charlie Papazian is regarded as a bit of a bible for homebrewers too. I read it a few years ago but before I really got into homebrew. Was also the time we had a newborn baby in the house and a two year old that refused to stay in bed or sleep so I may go back and re-read :D

I really enjoyed 'Extreme Brewing' by Sam Calagione too.

Forums aside, I'd say 90% of my homebrew know-how has been gained from listeneing to the Basic Brewing Radio Podcasts in the car over the past few years!!! Search on iTunes and download a bunch. The wife even lets me listen when we're all in the car as she likes his voice :D

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