quick drinking kits

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Oct 31, 2012
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i have only been brewing just over a month and only done cider and a few wow variants. i have been looking into going all grain after christmas and i understand it is probably too late now but is there any lager or bitter kits that will be acceptable by christmas and new year time. i begrudge having to pay for beer from the shop since starting homebrew. thanks
Coopers wheat beer is a good pint fairly quickly and it doesnt need to be clear to drink so could be a winner for christmas
You could be drinking Wherry out of a keg if you start it tomorrow.
I have had a hand in several of the woodfordes two can kits and they were ready for drinking from a keg from around the 3 week mark and were very drinkable. :cheers:
thanks for the advice just pitched the yeast for some wherry. picked a hydrometer up whilst there after dropping mine like an idiot last night.