Hello everybody [/Dr Nick]
I'm looking at doing a Fullers ESB clone (extract + grains) as my next beer (and my first non-kit brew) and looking at clone recipes, it seems all the colour/complexity comes from steeping grains (crystal) and the extract used is light.
Yet, my understanding is that amber/medium extract already contains a proportion of crystal malt. So why do the recipes only use light when you could use amber and have less steeping grains? Is it simply for consistency (as different malsters will use different crystal content) or is there something more fundamental I'm missing?
Crunching the numbers in a Recipe Calc, it appears generic amber malt doesn't contain enough crystal to make an ESB clone (SRM is too low) so I'm going to have to steep anyway, I was just wondering why the recipes are as they are (as it will help inform me when creating mine).
And yes, I fully intend to use a proper Fullers yeast - preferably harvested from some 1845/Bengal Lancer, but failing that the Wyeast/White Lab versions.
Another related question - the recipe in "Clone Brews" book calls for 55 Lovibond crystal. I haven't found a good UK source for this - if I had to substitute, would 40L or 80L be better (obviously adjusting amounts to hit target ABV and colour)? Other than the effect on fermentables (and hence ABV) and colour, is there a flavor difference that wouldn't be compensated by adjusting the amount?
I'm looking at doing a Fullers ESB clone (extract + grains) as my next beer (and my first non-kit brew) and looking at clone recipes, it seems all the colour/complexity comes from steeping grains (crystal) and the extract used is light.
Yet, my understanding is that amber/medium extract already contains a proportion of crystal malt. So why do the recipes only use light when you could use amber and have less steeping grains? Is it simply for consistency (as different malsters will use different crystal content) or is there something more fundamental I'm missing?
Crunching the numbers in a Recipe Calc, it appears generic amber malt doesn't contain enough crystal to make an ESB clone (SRM is too low) so I'm going to have to steep anyway, I was just wondering why the recipes are as they are (as it will help inform me when creating mine).
And yes, I fully intend to use a proper Fullers yeast - preferably harvested from some 1845/Bengal Lancer, but failing that the Wyeast/White Lab versions.
Another related question - the recipe in "Clone Brews" book calls for 55 Lovibond crystal. I haven't found a good UK source for this - if I had to substitute, would 40L or 80L be better (obviously adjusting amounts to hit target ABV and colour)? Other than the effect on fermentables (and hence ABV) and colour, is there a flavor difference that wouldn't be compensated by adjusting the amount?