Purging the head space with CO2

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Good Ed

Oct 25, 2010
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Has anyone done this?

I use 30L plastic buckets for 23L brew lengths and don't usually transfer to a secondary FV before bottling.

However I've got some beers planned where I'll be double dry hopping for say 5 days each after a couple of weeks of fementation, so whether I'll be transferring or not, I'll be opening up the beer a few times and because fermentation will have pretty much finished I'll lose the CO2 layer on top of my beer. Hence the question, and then how would I do it. I only bottle so don't have any kegs or gas at the moment.

It would also be useful to do for lagering.
I just stick the pipe in the top and turn it on low for a few seconds. I also just gassed my hop bag of dry hops to minimise oxygen transfer even more. Don't know if it really worked in that instance.
thanks rob, I have no clue about gas cos I don't use it. What do I need? gas, valves, regulators, pipes :wha:
I'm bumping this just in case somebody can throw me a few crumbs of advice :pray:
like you I've never used gas....however opening the fermenter lid to drop in a bag of hops will not cause you any problems lower the hops in without splashing and you will be fine I've done it a few times without any issue
yes I know, but usually I just put the lid on leave it for 2-3 weeks and then bottle, only taking a SG reading just before bottling, so I worry about messing around by doing a couple of batches of dry hops. I just want someone to say I need this type of cylinder of gas and this type of valve etc, then at least I can try it.
Good Ed said:
yes I know, but usually I just put the lid on leave it for 2-3 weeks and then bottle, only taking a SG reading just before bottling, so I worry about messing around by doing a couple of batches of dry hops. I just want someone to say I need this type of cylinder of gas and this type of valve etc, then at least I can try it.

Seems a lot of expense to buy CO2 cyliders and a head set just for this. With the CO2 being heavier than air you won't loose it by doing brief hop drops. If you're really worried about oxidation have you thought of getting a carboy either 1 large or a few cheap plastic 5ltr water bottles?
If you really want CO2 how about this. It's just a basic valve that uses CO2 bulbs. It might blast your wort a bit so maybe a length of hose would be in order.

that has possibilities, I don't know how sanitary it would be, also I can't get a carboy in my fermenting fridge I'm afraid, also not good for getting dry hops in and out, but thanks for the lead :thumb:

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