PT100 probes for your HERMs

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2011
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being a bit anally rententive about having all things shiney perfect!!! - i never liked the bodges people use for their HERMS exit probes. And lets face it those ebay ones are hit and miss at best

So I had a few of these made they have 1/4" thread and fit nicely into a reducing bush for you guys who run 1/2" pipe work


they are water tight (look at that welding) and full stainless with 2m lead


Post edited by V1
Those look swish. Would they also be suitable for using as a general probe for a HLT? They obviously won't protude very far into the tank, but I see that as an advantage (unless there is some decent reason they to stick in a long way).
MacKiwi said:
Those look swish. Would they also be suitable for using as a general probe for a HLT? They obviously won't protude very far into the tank, but I see that as an advantage (unless there is some decent reason they to stick in a long way).

It's a question I often ask myself, Mackiwi, how far should a probe extend into the wort to be effective?
The size of the probe isn't a concern as long as it's properly immersed and the liquid it's in is properly mixed to avoid thermoclines (bands of water at differing temps leading to inaccurate temp readings) ;)
beauties tho in-em?
Oh yes :cool: