Protofloc and pouring new beer onto old yeast....

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Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Redhill (Reigate Foreign)
Hi All, It occured to me that if I make another brew sometime next week, I can just pour it into my FV after I keg up the brew thats fermenting in it at the moment.

1- Dont have to bother sterilsing anything except a paddle
2- Save a packet of yeast
3- Get loads of yeast, no worry about under-pitching.

Are there any disadvantages?

Whats about protofloc? I added this to my current brew, should I add it again to the next one?
I've done it before. I put a 'big beer' onto a little beers' yeast. It went off like the clappers. If you do this, I would only do it once and don't change beer style too much. (I went ESB to Imperial Porter, so original beer wouldn't through in too much).

As far as protofloc goes, if you're doing AG I would always use kettle finings no matter what. :thumb:
Agree with Bolty :thumb:

I've done this before with excellent results, and as mentioned I'd only do it once and with a similar style.

Get the camera ready, the fermentation can be quite impressive :grin:
If your OG is reasonably close along with the beer style definately do it. It does depend on the yeast though. I've done 4 identical brews pitched on top of yeast cake without any bother at all. By the 4th there is a heck of a lot of yeast though. Biggest prob was racking off. I had to rack off a few litres of yeast before any beer came out.