priming sugar

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Active Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Have I put the right amount of sugar in my 500 ml bottles?
I have bottled a bitter and put half a teaspoon of priming sugar in each bottle. Is this enough for a bitter or should I have put in one teaspoon per bottle. I just get the feeling ny bottles are not carbonating much but it has only been 3 days since bottling. Also why can't I see any bubbles in my bottles it looks flat to me
1/2 tsp is fine - that's what I would use. Keep the bottles warmish for a week or two and then you can put them somewhere cool. You'll know when they're carbonating because the PET bottles will become firm. Don't worry about not seeing bubbles at the moment.

edit: sorry read 500ml and assumed PET (plastic pop) bottles.
There's just been a thread on this


Don't think you'll see any bubbles until you pop the cap and it comes out of suspension. The one thing I'm learning with this homebrew lark is a bit of patience, leave your beer somewhere warm for a week or so, them somewhere cool for a while and your patience will be rewarded.

All good things come to he who waits as they say.