Priming Sugar?

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New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Hello all,
I'm sorry about all the questions, I'm new to the brewing business! My cider has completely fermented and is now ready to be bottled... Just one question. How do I go about the priming sugar? I have cane sugar, can I add it straight into the bottles or do I need to disslove it first and then add? :hmm: also, how much do I need to add?

Sorry again, and thanks for your help so far :)

As a general rule of thumb, use 1tsp for lagers / cider and 1/2tsp for ales per 500ml. Be sure to use nice strong glass bottles. (taken from THBF FAQ)

I just use normal sugar from Tescos and put it in the bottle with a teaspoon... Batch priming is a good idea if you can rack you cider into another container, then mix in how ever much sugar you need for the whole lot. You get a more evan carbination (and it saves you counting out a million tsp)

Hope this helps