I plan to make my third attempt at making lager from a kit.
For the last brew I followed ScottM's excellent description of how he made his Coopers European and added some Saaz hops to the kit.
I want to experiment a bit with the next brew so I get to know what I like (adding different amounts of hops , different spray malt/sugar ratios) so would it be possible to split the 23L the kit makes and do the primary fermentation in 5 separate 1 gallon demijohns or is it best to ferment it in one large batch ?
For the last brew I followed ScottM's excellent description of how he made his Coopers European and added some Saaz hops to the kit.
I want to experiment a bit with the next brew so I get to know what I like (adding different amounts of hops , different spray malt/sugar ratios) so would it be possible to split the 23L the kit makes and do the primary fermentation in 5 separate 1 gallon demijohns or is it best to ferment it in one large batch ?