good news! getting just over 2K back in PPI compensation soon.
now, here's the good not bother with those PPI claims companies! its actually a piece of piddle to do yourself.
back at the tail end of the 90's/early 2000's i had a couple of graduate loans. didnt have all the details anymore, so when i decided to look into it, i phoned up my bank's customer service dept. they gave me an address to write to to get any historical info for loans on my account (which hasn't changed in about two decades, so AC number and sort code were the same). i wrote a letter asking for this loan info, giving as much details as possible to help them find the right stuff (approx dates, address(es) at the time, account details, etc) and a few weeks later, got a reply listing the details of both loans including dates, amounts and quantity of PPI paid.
i then wrote a second letter to the bank's own PPI claims dept with this info and stating why i thought i had a case. a few more weeks passed and then got a reply detailing that they were prepared to make an offer refunding the PPI plus interest.
offer accepted and currently being processed.
thats it! so for the cost of a couple of envelopes and stamps and the time it takes to write a couple of letters i'm now 2K up and no other bugger is taking a cut! sure it took a while for the bank to do their bit, but hardly the stressful time consuming process these claims companies make it out to be.
it probably helped the loans were graduate loans from the bank i still use (natwest), but still. its not complicated. also pursuing it with my credit card (egg/barclaycard) and another loan i had from cahoot (now owned by santander). in these cases i have also gone straight to source merely my logging in and using the internal message system to kick things off. will see how that goes, but the credit card one has been confirmed as being under investigation.
happy days!