pitching yeast

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New Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi all, first post on here and I need a bit of advice please.

I have made my first kit today a woodfordes werry and have pitched the yeast by sprinkling it on top of the wort. Should I have stirred it in to the wort or just leave it alone?
give it a good stir in when you add it - and be enthusiastic with the stirring so plenty of bubbles get into the mix - this will give the yeast the oxygen it needs to kickstart itself.

Note - on subsequent stirrings to be much more gentle so as not to introduce too many bubbles :thumb:
+1 for what BigYin says.

You dont want to introduce any air at all after the yeast is pitched :thumb: and remember sterilise everything that comes into contact with the beer :thumb: