Pet Bottles Steralising

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hi Everyone

I am a new to home brew, in fact my first brew is in the FV at the moment.

When i steralised the FV(sunday) i also steralised the PET bottles at the same time.

However i have been told that I should have steralised the bottles just before i put the beer into them.

Do you think i will be fine with the bottles steralised about 7 days before putting the beer in or am i best steralising them again?

Thanks for all your help.
If you capped the bottles after sterilising, they will be fine :thumb:

I've disinfected, drained, dried and ‘capped’ glass bottles with tinfoil or clingfilm, then left them for anything up to a month before filling, without loss.
Thanks for the reply, I steralised them yesterday morning and did not cap them afterwards. I did steralise the caps though.
Do you think i will be ok to put the caps on now? (monday night)
I'd do them again if I were you - it's a pain I know but better safe than sorry.
Think i'll have too, want my first one to go well.
Thanks for the advice. Do the bottles have to be bone dry once you have rinsed them? or is a tiny bit of water ok?
Assuming you are rinsing with water they don't need to be dry. A small amount of water is fine, but do try to drain well as you don't want to water down your hard brewed efforts.