Percentage of wheat question

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Jan 7, 2010
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I've been playing with some wheat in a light coloured simple bitter (3.9%Alc). The question is how much wheat would I need to add before I notice a haze/cloud in the brew?
My last batch was about 3.5kg pale malt and 100g wheat.

The brew tastes perfect for my taste but it has a haze which I did not expect; was it the wheat?. :hmm:
OK, I don't realy care as me and the better half both like it as it is :drunk: , but I would like to know.

My first AG was a wheat beer which used 3kg of wheat malt, and the ones I have left are clear as a bell if you don't agitate the bottle to get the yeast mixed in. Annoyingly the only cloudy beer I've tried to make and the clearest by a mile. So I doubt that 100g of wheat malt is causing you a problem...

As I understand it hazes are caused by protein, although there may be other factors so you can get them in beers with no wheat component. I'm sure somebody more knowledgeable will be along soon enough to set me straight ;)
I used ...
For 10 gallons

8Kg pale malt
500g wheat malt
250g Flaked Barley

Clear as any thing i've brewed... but to be honest to taste the wheat you need more....
I think it did add a bit of body..
bones i put wheat malt in my last few brews - it adds a bit of body and helps the head apparently, i used 200g in a total grain bill of 5kg in a pale ale and it was clear as anything, i tend to add abit to my brews :cheers:

Just the answers I wanted.

I was sure when I was boiling the brew it did not get the hot break I was used too. I have since wrapped the boiler in a camping mat and get a better rolling boil.
Haze it is.

I do like the flavour I get with the wheat though.
Just out of curiosity...when you say you added wheat, do you mean wheat malt, torrefied wheat, or something else?
TheMumbler said:
Just out of curiosity...when you say you added wheat, do you mean wheat malt, torrefied wheat, or something else?
You can add 'wheat' in a variety of forms and the flavour differences can be quite distinctive . . . I would never use torriefied for example as I find the added flavour to be somewhat reminiscent of the 'Shreddies' breakfast cereal :sick:

Generally though for head retention/formation purposes they can be considered interchangeable, I use Flaked Wheat as, like torriefied, the starches have been made available to the mash enzymes, unlike when you use wheat malt or wheat flour (from ground whole brewing wheat) which really need to be mashed at about 72C to gelatinise the starches available. . . . You don't need that high mash temp in Wheat beers which use up to 65% wheat malt as they are supposed to be cloudy . . . and are usually drunk young.