Pellicle on my stout to feed to the drain or drink?????

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Oct 1, 2009
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Hi i recently brewed a high gravity stout unfortunately it only brewed down to 1032 from 1075 no matter what i tried i couldnt get fermantation to start again then the other day i opened the lid to take a gravity reading and it had formed a pellicle the gravity is still the same and it tastes ok would their be any adverse effects with drinking this or is that a bad idea? or should i wave goodbye to 8hrs work and start again? share any experience you peeps have had with this and it would be apreciated :D

Thanks inadvance

Had to look up a pellicle :lol: :lol: . Sometimes you get a slight matt film due to oils from the hops but I had one which turned into Vinegar. I tasted it and it was OK left it a few days and it turned to vinegar. I would try bottling /kegging it and see if it conditions. If it tastes ok when you bottle it may be ok.

Good luck
Yeh i was thinking of maybe putting it in a cornie and seeing how it goes but i dont want to infect the keg i suppose a good bleech will kill anything when i come to clean it. Thanks for the reply anyone else??
Quick update on this for those that are interested i had a taste today and whatever it was that invaded the FV has donr no harm to the taste of this brew so all is good glad i didnt feed it to the drain cheers for the replies :thumb: :thumb: :drink:
good news I've been interested ever since I heard the word pellicle I looked it up am quite interested in sour beer now