kitchen equipment if you don't have a juicer - you could use a sterilised bucket, and quarter the pears, and then bash with a rolling pin - this produces the pulp, leave this covered in your FV for 24 hours. Take the pulp, place in a musling bag (or clean tea cloth) between two chopping boards, a G-Clamp on each corner, gradually tighten the clamps, and collect the juice back in the bucket/FV You might need to do this in several smaller batches. All equipment sterilised of course. Pulp can go on the compost heap, to the nearest farm for animal feed, or in a pear crumble? If on compost, beware of vinegar fly! you'll get loads, and you'll need to ensure the brew isn't near the flies, else you could end up with 10 litres of vinegar.
quantities - depends on efficiency of pressing.
previously we've done a ton of apples and got 98 gallons of juice, we've done half a ton, and got 48 gallons, and we've done 800lbs and got 40 gallons - as a rough guide I think pears are similar, maybe slightly juicier?
on other websites a quick search gives 75% efficiency - 100kg of fruit gives 75 litres of juice, or 16 lbs for a 1 gal DJ... ish