Yep - standard recipe that I use every day. The only thing I change each day is the type of flour - sometimes I add seeds, sometimes use malted, sometimes spelt, sometimes a mix of them all.
The yeast is the Doves Farm Instant yeast in the little orange rectangular packet.
I use olive oil rather than rapeseed. I add one tablespon of dried milk powder too. I usually leave the first rise in my airing cupboard for a good 2 hrs.
To get the poppy seeds to stick, just brush the loaf with water right before it goes in the oven and either sprinkle on top or carefully turn the loaf over and dip onto a bowl/plate of seeds.
I'm still not getting my loaves light and fluffy. What sort of temperature does it need to be during first and second rise? I'm not sure it's getting warm enough, we don't have an airing cupboard so it's just going near a radiator.
The recipe listed above, we have started adding wholemeal flour though would that make a difference? Last one was 400g white and 160g wholemeal. The wife's been interfering as well and I don't think she's leaving it long enough. :x
Hahaa. Patience is the key! I'm sure the wholemeal won't have made any difference - just need to wait until it has doubled in size each rise.
Treat is rough after 1st rise. Treat is super gentle after the 2nd.
Is there any particular size of bread tin or is it a standard generic type that you can get in tescos.
I would like to bake my own but never done it before.
I got a bread tin and baking tray from tescos who were also doing the bakers brothers book for a tenner(bought one) compared to their website where its on for a score.