Pale malt with a lager yeast

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Jul 16, 2009
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I'm sure John, BB asked this before, but I can't seem to find the thread.

Anyway's Mrs Mc and I went to Frankie and Benny's and I had a Sam Adams lager, not the greatest of beers, but okay to swill pizza down with. I read the bottle and saw it was made with two row, now I'm tired and may have this wrong, but isn't that the same as our pale malt?

I want to take advantage of this cool weather where I can control the lagering, but can't be arsed ordering 5kg of lager malt. If I could just use pale malt, order a decent lager yeast and some suitable hops...Sam Adams used Tettnang hops, but think I'll use some saaz.

Cheers Sean :drink:
This is one of those questions where I think I know the answer but just know that someone more knowledgeable will come along shortly and expose me as the newb I am :grin:

What I think I've learnt is that US 2 row is not quite the same as our pale malt, falling somewhere between it and lager malt.

I also believe that you could make a lager with pale malt, it'd just have a bit more flavour to it.

Someone will now be along to show me up :D