Overnight mashing questions

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Jun 10, 2019
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on the island
I am thinking of doing an overnight mash
1 will it still be ok if the temp drops to low or will i get flunky flavours
2 i could leave the timer on the kettles lowest setting 900w the timer lasts for 2 hours
3 if i do above will it be ok for the rest of the night
4 forgot to add i can set mash temp
all help appreciated
Hi Rod I do them all the time.
I usually mash in the evening and mash out about 10pm then turn off my brewer system wrap it in towels blankets etc then get up about 7am and then start the boil, but you can leave the machine on mashing all night if you want.
I am a bit old fashioned and do not like to leave things operating whilst unattended but that's just me.
As Iain says your efficiency will usually be higher so allow for this with your grain bill unless you do not mind it being a little higher on the ABV.
Do not let your mash temp drop below 50c or there is the risk of Lactobacillus staring to ferment in the mash which smells like cheesy sweaty socks and is not good that's why I get up at 7am and my temp has usually dropped to 52-54 from 10pm the previous night but you can leave it brewing all night which means you can start your boil whenever you like as the temp will be at your mash temp
Ps I do not know how long the timer is on your machine so it may limit how long the mash will be

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