Oooh new shiny !

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Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
South Northamptonshire
Hi guys ,
Got home to find this delivered:


Amazing service from Vigo ltd, only ordered it on Wednesday and got 5% discount for online order in August.

Just need to play now , :thumb: :cheers:
My word! That looks reassuringly expensive. Enviable bit of kit though. What volume does it do? Dare one ask how many arms, legs and kidneys it set you back?
Very nice Simon. We expect a full progress report on your first brew...if you manage to stay awake through the entire brew that is.
Thanks guys, it is a 20L model as I brew to fill one corny keg, all things come at a price and in all honesty I would rather have my dad still with us but I'm sure he would have approved.

As to the monetary cost £1467 inc copper hood and insulated jacket. :whistle:

Just ran it through with water and oxyclean , my god it is soooo quiet!

Can't wait to get a weissbier through this bad boy :cheers:
That's a nice idea PD :) Fitting and appropriate in the circumstances.

I went on the Vigo website after seeing this little masterpiece; some very very nice gear there. The site is well worth a visit if you have never been on it. I must say my wallet had a mild case of hysteria though :lol:
Baldbrewer said:
Amazing service from Vigo ltd, only ordered it on Wednesday

Just realised I ordered it yesterday , so that currently holds the best service record of any home brew supplier to date! :clap:

Yes Brian it will be aptly named after the old fella, he loved his beer and sadly died of non alcohol related liver failure! After the inaugural wheat beer I will brew a true traditional "Grampy's bitter" fuggles and goldings , maris otter, some crystal just a hint of black and 5% of wheat for head retention. Hopefully around 4% abv should be a drop ;) :cheers:
Baldbrewer said:
Thanks guys, it is a 20L model as I brew to fill one corny keg, all things come at a price and in all honesty I would rather have my dad still with us but I'm sure he would have approved.

I feel what you are saying there. My old man loved real ale, and sadly I only got into making the stuff after he passed. I am damned sure he would approve though.
As PD says, name the first beer for him :cheers:

Well almost - I ordered from Vigo late Monday, delivered Wednesday, brill service. Mine's not quite as shiny (I didn't buy the very nice looking copper hood and I've got insulation envy now cos I'm using an insulated camp mat for insulation), but to make up for that I got the 50 litre version and a shortened malt pipe for 23 litre batches.

I'm brewing a Bitter tomorrow, have fun with yours Baldbrewer.

although that does sound like a lot of money £1467

lets take a look at the average price of a pint in the UK has recently passed £3
and can cost a lot more in some areas

brew 600 pints with this kit (including the cost of ingredients)
and it will have payed for itself.

600 pints x £3 =£1800

20 litre shiny will brew about 40 pint batches

so 15 batches and your quids in :thumb:

that shiny looks like it will last a lifetime :cheers:
I`ve always wanted one, but the cost is just somehow far too much. Nice looking piece of kit though.

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