Olicana or Waimea?

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Aug 16, 2016
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Hi all, just wondered if anyone had used either Olicana (Dual Purpose hop • A lovely citrus hop with Mango, Grapefruit & Passionfruit. More "leafy" than Jester & more vigorous too. Used in Pales )

or Waimea ( A Big dual purpose hop with a citrus, pine needles and tangerine aroma. A good alternative for Columbus and Pacific Jade)

in a pale ale, if they go together or if anyone has had any success using them with any other hop?

I was just going to go for some pale malt and carapils as fermentables up to about 4.5% and use US 05 yeast.
I can't remember whether it was jester or olicana i tried for a single hop beer but it came out very 'oniony'....not at all what I was hoping for really
I tried olicana in a pale last summer, interested by the 'tropical fruit' descriptions. Whilst not unpleasant, this wasn't a memorable beer, the only tropical fruit flavour I could distinguist was melon.

I've spotted Waimea in a couple of beers that have been quite nice so I'd prob go with that if you're trying to choose
I used it as the main base for a IPA and it was fruity thats all I can remember so yes some other hops but mainly waimea it gave a orangey taste to the beer IMO
I can't remember whether it was jester or olicana i tried for a single hop beer but it came out very 'oniony'....not at all what I was hoping for really

Oniony tells you that it's been harvested too late, it tells you more about the farmer than it does about the hop variety, although some are more sensitive to harvest time than others.
I tried olicana in a pale last summer, interested by the 'tropical fruit' descriptions. Whilst not unpleasant, this wasn't a memorable beer, the only tropical fruit flavour I could distinguist was melon.

As far as Olicana goes, it's probably a case of catch it when you can, as I think it's probably it's destined to be phased out, it's never really lived up to the hype. See eg some of these threads and links :

Waimea's alright though.
I'd take Olicana over Harlequin a any day of the week, be a shame if it gets the bullet, I love the complexity it can give you, I use it a lot in the boil and whirlpool.
I've used Olicana before and also with me it was not as described. Way closer to something like fuggles. I found it very earthy and woody.