I’ll give this a go next time.
I'll give it a go first time.
I recall noting in my notes, somewhere that after drinking a can of OSP, I had a homebrew and couldn't taste the difference. I'm going to see if I can find it.
I've found it- doesn't time fly? I thought this was last spring and it turns out that my notes were made in August, 2019.
Let me say that I had absolutely NO intention of making OSH and that any similarity to Wheeler and Protz recipe is entirely coincidental. In fact it was the first time I had got my hands on honey malt and the beer is called "Gambrinus Honey Test"
Recipe is in old money. Uses a mixture of imperial gallons and pounds and ounces and the hops are weighed in grams.
2½ gallon batch : OG 1048 : BU 38
Treat water for chlorine and chloramine (very soft water) add a quarter tsp. CaCl2 and 1 tsp CaSO4
4 lb 6 oz Minch malt
10 oz Gambrinus Honey malt
Bittering hops: 13g Challenger @12.2% alpha acid (This is a cock up as I had meant to add 18g and misread my figures)
Flavour hops: 7g EKGs last 10 mins + a quarter tablet of Protofloc
Hopsteep 15 mins 7g EKGs when wort temperature <80C
Pitched with 3rd or 4th generation Wyeast 1469.
I didn't record mash duration or temperature. It was possibly overnight FG 1007 5.4% abv
Boil would have been 70 minutes.
Bottled 11 June 2019
13/7/19: Not a bad beer. The honey notes are apparent, but not overpowering.
7/8/19: Just had a can of Old Speckled Hen with (name) and followed it with this. Tastes just like what the Hen should have tasted like. Very nice. (I'm not sure what I meant by "should have tasted like")
28/8/19: It's a lovely beer. It needs to be a bit bitterer though, and dry hop with EKGs too (remember I'm not trying to clone OSH). The 13g above should have been 18. (in fact it should have been 17.7)
30/10/19: This beer is absolutely gorgeous, both on the nose and in the old gob. Yes, it could be a little more bitter. Certainly well adapted to bottle conditioning.
Two further notes reminding me to make more as it's lovely. I never did!!! I wrote out a page for a full batch, but somehow didn't get round to it, but I'm going to make some now.
Note how my notes betray increasing enthusiasm as the beer ages in the bottle.