Now that's what I call a Christmas tree

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Mar 31, 2009
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Lifted from the Harris forum with apologies to bobsbeer, who is a THBF member too but doesn't appear to have visited for nearly 3 months.

Pity they aren't full, and think of resale value here, but I want one like this:

Great :clap:

Wouldn't want to bump into that, after a little xmas cheer :drunk:
I bet he ain't got two Springers about. :lol:
Grolsch bottles are for life not just for xmas (trees)
Read the original post again, bobsbeer found it on the interweb and posted it on the Harris forum, I nicked it.

I don't possess one single solitary 440ml green swingtop bottle and only have four 500ml brown ones, which I am keeping.
I still say it's a shame they aren't full.

It could be an interesting challenge to see if you could start the festive season with a ‘tree’ of full ones and see if you could rebuild it 4ft to the left with the empties by Twelfth Night.

Maybe not with commercial lager though. :sick: